Sunday, May 27, 2012

Craft Hope: Project 17 (Part III)

(If you want to see where this started, see Part I and Part II.)

The Craft Hope aprons are coming along nicely. The seven pictured above are done and packed up, there are four more sitting on my sewing table *thisclose* to being finished, and there are two more cut out and waiting to be stitched together. I'd set an unofficial goal of twelve aprons, so it would awesome if I could get these last few stitched up in time.

People have been posting quite a few awesome aprons over on the Craft Hope facebook event page. I just discovered that there's a Craft Hope flickr page, too.

One surprise, one of the aprons that I made was featured over on the Craft Gossip blog. That was super flattering. :)

Only a few more days to go, and I'll have these babies in the mail and post a recap.

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